Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mastery of the Idiom

I think my favorite moment in the whole novel is when someone describes Georgette as having a mastery of the idiom. That phrase  stuck in my head as being the perfect description of the way we behave in certain situations.On one level it makes complete sense that Georgette as a prostitute would have mastered creating impressions out of more then just the exact meanings of her words and actions. This is a skill which would certainly be vital in her career. Furthermore it strongly implies that she is laying a role. which again as a prostitute she is pretty much expected to do. Because an idiom only makes sense because we have heard it used and not because of what it is actually composed of, I think it works as a very good metaphor for anyone playing a role in a social situation. When we play roles we constantly give off cues and the like indicating to people who we want them to think we are. These cues frequently conform to agreed upon ideas of how people should behave in certain situations or what one type of person is like rather then being true to any one persons authentic self. Therefore mastery of the idiom is a great expression for when we are trying to pretend to be a stock character everyone has heard of and knows and who fits comfortably into certain situations rather then ourselves.

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